Johnny and Associates 30 Day Challenge Day 3

Day 3. Ranking the members of Arashi in order from  your least favorite to your favorite.

I love Arashi, they are my third overall favorite JE debuted group. They have such a charm to them that can’t be denied they are all ikemen, and they are all talented in many different ways. They also each have their own great personalities that are different from each other but they come together to form a great group. So here  Is My ranking of Arashi from 5 down to my 1 or ichiban of the group. Continue reading

Johnny and Associates 30 Day Challenge Day 1

Hey everyone so I decided that I am going to do a thirty day challenge. I know I have tried this before but I have been feeling rather nostalgic and have decided that I would try again.  So here I go with my JE or Johnny and Associates 30 day challenge

Day 1 Name your favorite JE debuted band and say why it’s your favorite.

I have only ever really considered two JE groups my Ultimate favorite and I have to mention both of them because they both have bittersweet stories.

Up first is V6 they were  not the first t ever boy group I listened to from JE.  But they were my favorite even when I put them up against Arashi. Back when I was a kid. In part I have to be thankful to Arashi and Shounen club because without Arashi’s debut and with out my cable TV and Shounen Club I would not know JE at all. Continue reading